2 minute read

This post is a summary of my notes from working on the “Redundancy Elimination in Microservice Communication” research project.

Tutorials for Dev Tools

I had to learn to use all the tools from scratch, including Docker, Kubernetes, and Istio. Contrary to projects in my previous posts, I am developing on Windows 11 for this project. Here are some tutorials that I found helpful and up-to-date, in order:

Regarding the official Istio guide, if we wanted, we can do step 3 of “Deploy the sample application” in Bash (e.g., Git Bash). We’ll be able to confirm the whole setup is working interactively later, either way.

The Medium guide says to forward port 80 to 8080 for some reason, but accessing BookInfo like this worked fine for me:


(now we can access it from other devices in the same local network, after looking up host address with ipconfig)

References and Documentations

Here are some links to references/documentation that were very helpful for development:


Docker RAM usage

Docker was eating up my RAM. I don’t know why vmmemWSL still says it’s using around 4 GB of memory after I kill Docker Desktop. I ended up doing wsl --shutdown after I’m done developing for the day. There have been similar reports: WSL2 + Docker causes severe memory leaks in vmmem process, consuming all my machine’s physical memory.

importing Lua libraries

IBM Cloud has a tutorial for writing Lua filters in Istio, which involves loading external Lua libraries. As it turns out, importing external Lua library is NOT trivial; it requires updating the Docker image. References here and here.

Lua filters are stateless

Lua filters are stateless and can’t be used for e.g., caching. (I ended up just using it for per-request compression)

questions about Envoy Filter

Here are some questions that I had trouble finding answers to, regarding configuring the Envoy Filter through .yaml files:

  1. What is the difference between envoy.filters.http.lua and envoy.lua for patch.value.name?
  2. inlineCode vs inlineString?