A summary of things that involve both me and Riichi Mahjong, including my club, my apps, the games I played, etc.


I am the founder and president of Longhorn Riichi. I am also one of the primary contributors to the tech stack of the club (website, bots, etc.).


  • Ronhorn. Longhorn Riichi’s main server Discord bot, including commands for club operations and commands for online Riichi game utilities. The latter largely depend on the InjusticeJudge module.
  • UvUManager. the Discord bot for Longhorn Riichi’s special tournament UTA vs UTD, including commands specific to managing the tournament.


  • Mahjong Soul. My stats. Fun fact: I dropped from Master 3 3379/3600 to Master 1 ~1000/2800 in a long stretched unlucky streak; it made me question whether I deserved to be so close to Saint before.
  • Tenhou. My stats. Started playing more after joining ARML. As of writing, I’m at 3 Dan with 1825 R.

I also played Yakuza games’ mahjong, Riichi City, Sega MJ, etc. but so far I’ve only really seriously played Mahjong Soul and Tenhou.


I joined American Riichi Mahjong League during its beta season. As of writing, I am in the highest division (A1).



Riichi Nomi Open 2023

This is my first ever in-person open tournament. It was very nice to meet all the people who I’ve been talking to online (e.g., on ARML). I placed 54/120. Here’s a derpy picture of me during a tournament game when I sensed the cameraperson approaching:



I also played in the IORMC’s 2022 USA qualifier and ended up as 21/24 – didn’t qualify.


I have organized 4 iterations of this special intercollegiate tournament between UT Austin and UT Dallas. I led the UT Austin team (i.e., Longhorn Riichi) to win 3 of those 4 iterations!

Intercollegiate Mahjong

I led the UT Austin team to win the Fall 2022 Intercollegiate Mahjong Teams Tournament. Our team also got 2nd place in the Spring 2023 Intercollegiate Mahjong Teambattle.
